Thursday, June 23, 2011

Your life's a b***h? Then stop being an a**!

Ok, it is a simple fact, life can be a real jerk at times and most of the times, it does bully you in a way that you succumb to it. I do not agree with certain folks who talk about self control, negativity conundrum and the power of optimistic vibes.

Life is not fair to anyone, but it does not help when you proclaim the gravity of your own mess. Do you really think the person standing next to you gives a damn?

There are certain incidents which I found very annoying

Scenario 1 - Godly Music Over Loud Speakers Phenomenon

I am not starting a discussion over godfulness(Technically not a word but rhymed with the latter) and godlessness, to be frank, I really don't give a damn. Your so called devotional music played over loud speakers send no message of theism to anyone, it really does not help anyone and the so called local politicians who fund these programs, really need to think twice and STOP BEING AN A**!

Scenario 2 - New State Syndrome

[(Uprooting statues)+(Cooking on roads)+(Mass procession)+(Public nuisance)] != NEW STATE

Nothing more on this, think twice and STOP BEING AN A**!

Scenario 3 - Beam Cable Junction Box Paradigm

You don't have to switch off the beam cable junction box placed on your apartment roof top every time your speed is reduced. Hey if you want good speed, then stop downloading cheap porn and start doing something useful. Just because your speed is down, you do not have jurisdiction on other customer's connection lines.

Nothing more on this, think twice and STOP BEING AN A**!

There are quite a few more, but my ice tea is losing its flavor by the minute and hence I shall stop now. Don't tell me I am being an a**, I just like my ice tea, you know, cold.

Will update later!

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